Message - Ahmed Jassem Al-Tannak

Each person seeks that which makes his/her life stable and balanced, as stability and balance are the most important factors of success. Stability cannot be achieved unless there is a proper legal side .

Message - Fahed Thamer Al-Rasheed

First of all , I want to welcome the visitors of our website. I ensure that the office of the lawyer Fahad Thamer Al Rasheed and Ahmed jassim Al Tannak lawyers and legal consultants, works on the basis of an harmonized and integrated team. the soul of the office is our co-operative different team, which has individual capabilities needs .

Our Services

Our fields

Civil law

It includes the financial rights with all its various kinds and sources, either between the individuals or companies, or between the companies and the individuals as well. We process and practice all the financial action raised from, by way of example, not exhaustive enumeration, in the following compensation suits :

The compensation for the moral and financial damages, reimburse for the medical and occupational defaults, compensation for contracts termination and breaches of the contractual commitment, the compensations raised from the damage of committing criminal and misdemeanor issues . in addition to preparing all the contracts such as the loan contracts, endowment contract, conciliation contract, lease contract, contract agreement, employment contract, power of attorneys, investment contract and other contracts.

Commercial Law

We have great ability in establishing companies with all its types and formating the contracts of the companies either in Arabic or English language, registering trademarks, identifing the responsibilities of partners, provide the legal consultancies in order to preserve the rights of clients, process all the regulations of these companies and the judicial representation of the companies in all the litigation phases either as plaintiffs or defendants.

The labor law

Our office provides the legal opinion for employees and employers as well, to reach the best results, in respect of the labor suits, with finding the best and quickest solutions with the employees and employers. And represent them in submitting the complaints before the labor disputes department affiliated to the ministry of social affairs and labor till the issuance of the final judgment before the competent labor courts. Our office special experience in formatting the regulations for regulating works inside the facility and process the penal regulations in accordance with the labor law.

Tenancy law

Our office have great experience in the suits related to the lease contract, as we have a staff who is vacating themselves for these suits to represent the lesser and lessee and the real estates' companies before all the departments specialized in considering the lease disputes and provide the best solutions in all the disputes raised from the lease relationships.

The administrative law

The administrative law is distinguished by it is special nature which is different from any other law . it needs specialists in this field so the office was keen on employing specialized consultants in the field of administrative disputes, which guarantees an excellent work in all the administrative suits related to, for example but not limited, the rights of the governmental employee, promotions and denial of the administrative decisions and disciplinary penalties.

The penal law

Our office provides an excellent service in the field of penal law to defend and plea before the criminal courts either by attending with the defendants or the plaintiffs . We also provide all services starting from filing complaints in the police stations and competent prosecutions till the suits are already considered and achieve the best results. Our lawyers undertake the defense in different suits with all its types, phases and degrees, and submit the temporary release requests with guarantees. Our experience extends also to claiming for reimbursement for the client against the damages which occurred to him because of the crime until the client gets an appropriate judgment for compensation.

Personal status law

Our office for legal consultancies provides, in respect of, the personal status issues in accordance with the provisions of the Islamic regulations, suing suits with all types and follow it, for example without limitation, divorce suits, conditioned divorce suits, alimony suits, children custody suits, paternity suit, curatorship suits, suit of placing someone under guardianship because of incapacity and heritage distribution.

Our services

Arbitration and conciliation

The office is characterized by a group of consultants who have certificates in arbitration, as the importance of arbitration expressed in the acceleration in settling the dispute, which is raised among the litigation parties, as the office follows the arbitration suits and disputes settlement, and implement it in accordance with the law and the desire of the clients.

Formatting contracts

We provide our client a special service in this field to format all kinds of contracts, such as the following: lease contracts, sale contract, pledge contracts, insurance contracts, guardianship contracts, endowment contracts and contracts of Waqf works, as well as formatting and revising all contracts which are formatted by others, interpret the items of the contracts to the client in a simplified manner to ensure that there is nothing that would harm the interest of the client.

Intellectual property

Our office provides this service in the field of the intellectual property, trademark and patents, for example; registering trademarks, registering patents, registering intellectual literatures, registering and selling the intellectual property rights, as well as represent the client before the competent judge to consider these disputes, protect the local and international trademarks, and face who want to steal them, if it is used by non-owners or tried to imitate or forfeit it. The office performs quick procedures to prevent being stolen or forfeited, as we take the required legal measure such as reserving the goods, which have imitated trademarks and sue a summary case and claim for appropriate reimbursement for the interest of the client.

Financial and bank transactions

Our office provides distinct services in the field of bank transactions and all credit contracts, as well as all the claims raised from these transactions, we also represent the banks and individuals to achieve the perfect solutions in this regard in order to a chive the client's interest.

Financial collections

With the increment of the exchange between the commercial institutions and individuals, and the non- compliance to the obligations, and the consequent debts, so our office provide the legal solutions which work on returning these debts to their owners, by our specialized administration to maintain the funds of our clients either companies or individuals, in a manner guarantees the collection for their money either amicably or judicially, and execute these judgments and collect these debts quickly and accurately.

Legal consultancies

Our office provides the legal consultancies to all our clients achieving the best results to solve their different problems, as we provide the client the legal cousel which will help him to take the proper decision, as the right legal opinion lead the right legal opinion will help the clients in making the right deaision, we also adapt the clear vision of the client to act in accordance with the provisions of law, which benefit the client.

Represent the clients and present on the behalf in all litigation degrees

Our office includes a group of distinct lawyers to plea before all the litigation degrees. Undoubtedly, the ability and efficiency of our lawyers have a great effect in persuading the judge either by performing the written plea or oral plea, or apply the items of these laws on the suit facts which yield the greatest returns to the client.